Course Content
- Introduction to Flask
- Overview of Flask framework
- Installing Flask
- Creating a basic Flask application
- Routing and URL building
- Flask templates and Jinja2 basics
- Flask Application Structure
- Flask Blueprints for modular applications
- Creating and organizing Blueprints
- Using Flask extensions (e.g., Flask-WTF for forms)
- Working with Databases
- Introduction to SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Setting up MySQL database connection
- Defining database models using SQLAlchemy
- CRUD operations with SQLAlchemy
- User Authentication
- Flask-Login and LoginManager for user authentication
- Creating user models and registration forms
- Implementing login and logout functionality
- Securing routes with login_required decorator
- Password Security
- Understanding password hashing
- Using for password hashing and verification
- Best practices for handling passwords securely
- Building a Blogging Application - Part 1
- Designing the blog database schema
- Creating SQLAlchemy models for blog posts
- Implementing CRUD operations for blog posts
- Building a Blogging Application - Part 2
- Creating templates for displaying blog posts
- Adding pagination for blog posts
- Implementing comment functionality for blog posts
- Flask RESTful APIs
- Introduction to RESTful APIs
- Creating RESTful APIs using Flask
- Integrating APIs with your Flask application
- Deploying Flask Applications
- Overview of deployment options (e.g., Heroku, AWS)
- Preparing Flask applications for deployment
- Deploying Flask applications to a cloud platform
Additional Notes
- Each class session should include hands-on exercises and coding tasks to reinforce learning.
- Encourage students to work on a small project throughout the course, gradually building a blog application with user authentication, CRUD operations, and RESTful API integration.
- Provide supplementary resources and reading materials for deeper understanding of Flask and MySQL concepts.